
Salàm menim adim Fatimedir. Menim 00 yasim var. 00 cu sinifde oxuyuram gelecekde yaxsi bir usaq psxoloqu olmaq isteyirem. Bu menim arzundur. Men ailem haqqinda danismaq isteyirem. Biz evde 0 neferik babam nenem atam anam qardasim bacim ve men babamin adi Abasdi nenemin adi Zemfiradir atamin Elnur anamin Aynur qardasimin Feqan bacimin Zemisdir . Qardasimin 00 yasi bacimin ise 0 yasi var qardasim idmancidir bacim ise hekim olmaq isteyir. Biz mehriban ve xosbext aileyik.


Hello, my name is Fatima. I am 00 years old. I study in the 00th grade and want to become a good child psychologist in the future. This is my wish. I want to talk about my family. There are 0 of us in the house, my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister and I. My grandfather's name is Abasdi, my grandmother's name is Zemfira, my father's name is Elnur, my mother's name is Aynur, my brother Fegan is my sister's Zemis. My brother is 00 years old and my sister is 0 years old. My brother is an athlete and my sister wants to be a doctor. We are a friendly and happy family

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