
etraf muhitin cirklenmesi butun duyna ucun cox boyuk problemdir. etraf muhit bir cox amillerden cirklenir. bu amillerden biri senayenin inkisaf etmesi ve bir cox zavodlarin havaya cirkli qazlarin buraxmasidir .bundan basqa boyuk seherlerde avtomobilerin istifade olumasi neticesinde havanin cirklenmesidir. bu da havada oksigenin azalmasina sebeb olur. bunlardan basqa etraf muhit bir cox tullantilarla da cirklenir. biz bu tullantilari denizde kucelerde baqcalarda gore bil


Great for all Duyn environmental pollution problem. many factors polluted environment. One of the factors in the development of this industry and a lot of dirty gases into the air, leaving the plants .In addition, as a result of air pollution in large cities avtomobilerin olumasi use. it also leads to reduced oxygen in the air. Besides, a lot of waste in the polluted environment. baqcalarda gore as if we waste on the streets sea

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